Channel Partner Application

All fields are required unless posted otherwise.
StoneFly Representative (optional):  
Company Name:  
Other Trade Names (optional):  
Company Phone:  
Company Fax:  
Company Website (optional):  
Additional Location(s):  
List Additional Location(s):  
If selected "Yes"  
Primary Contact:  
Direct Phone:   Ext.:
Alternate Contact (optional):  
Type of Business Entity:  
State Registered or  
Incorporated in:  

Do you need to apply for  
StoneFly credit?  

Business Model:  
Which Vertical Markets do you serve?

Where does your revenue come from?

Services?     Hardware?     Software?     Consulting?
What other types of products do you carry?

What competing products do you carry?

What interests you in StoneFly products?

How did you hear about StoneFly?

Which product lines are you interested in?

What percentage of your revenue comes from storage products?

How much of your storage demand do you estimate will be filled with StoneFly products (percentage)?